Saturday, August 27, 2016

I'm a few weeks behind in documenting our "August Month of Fun" but that's because we've been too busy having fun!!  We just got back from a week and a half vacation but that's for another post or 2.  I need to get caught up on pictures from the beginning of the month!

Look at this handsome fella rockin' the mohawk like his big brother!
Can't get enough of that smile…and those cheeks…and those ears…and those muscles!

Kade loves having Charlie come over to play.  
They are one-in-the-same with their love of sports, building, hunting, trapping, etc. etc. etc.  The only problem…Charlie is *gasp* a wrestler!  No worries, the more he's over at our playing, the more chances we have to get a basketball in his hands!

Kade has been begging to go on a canoe ride all summer.  I've been hesitant because:  1.   I couldn't imagine either boy sitting still long enough to make the effort worth it.  and 2.  Let's be honest, a 2 year old in a canoe is pretty much a guarantee that he, and at least 1 other person, will end up in the big drink.
I finally gave in on a beautiful day when we had no plans.  It went fairly well!  We managed to use the full 2 hours we rented the canoe for.  Want to guess who wasn't a fan and never wants to go again?  Wait for it…..yep, Kade.  Mason did amazing, he loved it!!  Kade freaked out and thought we were all going to die anytime anyone moved an inch.  We were too slow, too tippy and too close to the water for his liking.  Although, now that a couple weeks have passed, he's talking about how he wants to go again and even go with Grandpa to the Boundary Waters.  One step at a time, Kado.  One step at a time.

Look at those handsome fellas!!  
I'm seriously one lucky girl that I get to kiss all 3 of those faces anytime I want!

Makes me laugh every time I look at Kade's face in these pictures.  Mason was way too close to the edge for his liking.  Obviously Mason was oblivious--that pretty much sums up each of their personalities!

The Olympics were on in full force at our house!  
I can't remember if these 2 were swimming or doing gymnastics in this picture.  Either way, they decided their underwear/diaper were perfect uniforms to match the Olympians.

Oh…my little country boys.  
A tractor, a wagon, rain, mud and rubber boots = the perfect playground.

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