Friday, February 6, 2015

In Sickness...

As I said in the last post, we got hit pretty hard with some sort of bug last week.  It definitely wiped me and Mason out for the entire weekend.  Luckily, there were a few points in the 2 days where we felt sort-of-okay so we tried to take advantage and went outside for some fresh air.  Nothing heals better than a blast of fresh air, at least that's what we think!

Working hard at building a bonfire!

S'mores?  At 10:00 am??  In the middle of winter???  Why not!!!

Mason wasn't quite sure he felt good enough to be sitting outside, until….

…we hit up the swing set!  Then he decided outdoor play might be just what the doctor ordered.

Sunday was my worst day, as far my health was concerned.  Erik took the boys to his parent's house for a bit so I could lay on the couch in peace.  Poor Mason just had to watch from the inside while Grandpa had all the fun.  
These pictures break my heart.  You can tell he doesn't feel good and Grandpa is just rubbing it in!!

I actually called in sick to work on Monday.  All I wanted to do was lay on the couch, take a hot bath and recover while the boys were at daycare.  Those plans flew out the window at 6:00 am when our daycare lady canceled because she was sick too.  Erik ended up staying home as well because there was no way I could handle the boys by myself.  It actually worked out pretty well because we all started feeling better about half way through the day so it ended up being a fun day of playing!

Next up, somebody is turning ONE and a party is to be had!!!

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