Monday, February 9, 2015

Happy 1st Birthday, Mason!

Sweet Baby Mason,
Exactly one year ago today we got the phone call of a lifetime.  There was a brand new baby boy waiting at the hospital in Mankato and we were the lucky couple that got to take you home.  We were in shock, disbelief, and more than a little nervous that you were too good to be true.  You were all cheeks and hair and we couldn't get enough of you.  We still can't.  You are the final piece of our family puzzle.  You completed us.  You made our long awaited dream of being a family of 4 come true.  The answer to our prayers.

This past year has been a blur, I think back and I can't remember much of anything.  You've gone from being "Mild Mannered Mason" to a busy, inquisitive and vocal "Bear Cub"!  You finally started sleeping through the night at 11 months (which might have something to do with my fuzzy memory of your first year).

You still aren't walking, not even close, but if there was an Olympic event for crawling, you would be the Gold Medal favorite.  Bob Costas would do an in-depth piece about you because you are the fastest crawler this side of the Mississippi and everybody loves a cute face in the Olympics.  "Why Walk When You Can Crawl?" seems to be your motto.

I see the makings of a Master Chef in your future.  When I'm in the kitchen you cry, cry, cry until I pick you up and then you are absolutely mesmerized by whatever is on the stove.  And, you haven't met a spoonful of food you don't like.  Your favorite upstairs toys are the kitchen utensils.  Your favorite downstairs toy is a toy spatula.  It's the first thing you look for when you get down there and then you carry it around in your mouth or hand the entire time while you explore.

You are also definitely showing signs of a basketball player.  You LOVE watching Kade and Dad play and you cry, cry, cry until Dad picks you up so you can play defense on Kade or shoot the ball yourself.  Once you get the ball in your hands you look around to make sure everyone is watching, then you put the ball through the hoop and immediately start smiling and clapping for yourself.  We're going to have to work on that because nobody likes a Show Boater :-)

You are the perfect little brother.  And by that I mean, you are amazing at driving your big brother crazy.  You get into everything of his and you frustrate him to no end.  I also have a big brother so I am very proud of you for following in my annoying-younger-sibling footsteps :-)  Even though you can drive Kade mad, he loves you more than words can say.  He watches you like a hawk and says all the time, "Mason is my best brother and friend in the whole wide world".  I know the feeling is mutual because you can't take your eyes off of Kade and you aren't happy unless Kade is in your sights.  If it wasn't so cute how obsessed you are with him, it would be a little creepy :-)  I hope you two are always as in love with each other as you are now.

Happy Birthday to my favorite Littlest Big Boy!!  We love you so very, very much and can't wait to watch you grow and change in the next 12 months (and the many, many, many years to follow!).

P.S. Please start walking soon because our arms and back can't take it for much longer!
February 9, 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015
February 5th, 2015

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