Saturday, February 21, 2015

Cabin fever is at an all time high these days.  Cold weather is one thing, I can handle cold.  We can play outside in cold.  It's when the daily high is 0 degrees or less that's the issue.  That's not just cold weather, that is ridiculous-tell-me-again-why-we-live-here-wait-did-my-nose-hairs-just-freeze? frigid weather.

Kade's been playing A LOT of basketball in the basement, you know, since he can't play it in the driveway.  He and Erik have also been going to the high school boy's basketball games.  Kade is pumped to become a "Dover Eagle" as he calls them.  He told Erik that he can't wait to go to school with a bunch of other Dover Eagles his age.  We're a little concerned that he thinks school consists of playing basketball all day, every day.

Our little basketball player in a ginormous Gopher jersey.  Yep, he still has to dress appropriately for whatever activity he's playing.  It's the cutest thing ever to see this giant jersey tucked into his little basketball shorts :-)

Mason had his 12 month check up last week.  He's still healthy, happy, and BIG!  And, like always, pretty much the exact same size as Kade.  It still blows my mind...

Mason's stats:
Height:  2 ft 6.5 inches  (81%)
Weight:  26 pounds (96%)

Kade's 12 month stats:
Height:  2 ft 6.5 inches (81%)
Weight:  25.5 pounds (83%)

Yep, a half pound difference.  That's it.

This kid LOVES food.  He literally cries between bites if you don't get the next spoonful in his mouth fast enough.  Hey, you don't get into the 96th percentile by skipping meals!  

Construction Man Mason

1 comment:

  1. Move to the West Coast! No need to be frozen all winter least come for a visit to defrost:)
