Friday, February 13, 2015

We had Mason's birthday party last Saturday.  I'm happy to say that he was not spoiled with presents!  We requested that people not bring him a gift, since there is absolutely nothing that he needs, and instead put money in his savings if they just couldn't show up empty handed.  I would feel guilty except he won't remember and he'll appreciate the money when he heads off to college.  I think Kade had a harder time grasping the concept of a birthday party with no gifts.  He'll get over it too :-)  I'm thinking next year we won't be able to get away with the same request!
I tried to get a picture of Mason with his cake but I couldn't get him to look away from the deliciousness.
He was able to sneak a little taste, this is him signing "more" after we put a stop to the cake destruction.
The Birthday Boy!
When he finally was able to have a piece of cake all to himself it took him a minute or two to wrap his head around the fact that it was all his!  And no one was going to stop him from devouring it!
A fist full of cake and…
…a face full of frosting.  That's more like it!

The boys got to finally meet their cousin, Isaac.
Kade couldn't get enough of him and followed around whoever was holding him.
Mason wasn't quite as gentle.  Mason also has a history of sitting on babies so a close eye had to be kept on the big boy once he discovered the little man.  Hard to believe these 2 are only 50 weeks apart!

Kade started soccer this past Thursday.  Last year was part success, part disaster depending on the week. We thought with another year under his belt he wouldn't be quite as shy and hoped there wouldn't be any tears.  We were wrong.  We prepared him, we talked to him about being brave, we discussed that we wouldn't be on the field with him and he seemed pretty confident.  Then, the coach started the class and…..tears.  I ended up doing a few of the drills with them and when he finally warmed up I slowly made my way to the exit.  I never did get off the field though, every time I tried he caught me and I quickly took my place on the sidelines.  Maybe next week I'll actually be able to sit on the bleachers with the other parents, instead of being the creeper sitting on the sidelines :-)
The kids weren't supposed to play goalie since it's just supposed to be about fun and not winning or losing.  However, our little competitor cannot stand the thought of someone scoring on him so he took it upon himself to play goalie almost the entire time.  He even dove on the ground to block the other net at one point.  
The good news:  the red team never did score.  The bad news:  the orange team never scored either.  Although, Kade thinks he scored because after the time ran out and everyone stopped playing he kicked the ball down the field and into the opponents net.  He was pretty proud of himself so we let him think his team won the game :-)

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