Friday, January 30, 2015

Our home has been infiltrated.  I'm actually surprised it hasn't happened sooner.  The cold bug has hit us.  Hard.  We are battling fevers, fountains of snot and coughing spells galore.  Kade seems to have come out the other side (besides the cough that doesn't seem to be moving on anytime soon), Mason and I are in the thick of it and, so far--fingers crossed, Erik is unscathed.  This evening, Mason actually signed "more" and then pointed to his bed so I laid him down and he hasn't made a peep.  Kid's a genius, just like his big brother :-)

Earlier this week, in healthier times, we celebrated Great Grandpa H's 90th birthday.  His family hosted a party in the church basement on Saturday.  150 people showed up!!  That guy is popular!!

This was the only picture I got at the party and I just realized it's the oldest holding the youngest….
Except, this is the last picture of Mason being the youngest because, 2 days later, Erik's sister Jenna and her husband Jay welcomed a baby boy into the world!!

Isaac Jay.  
 I can't remember any stats but he and mom are healthy and happy and that's all that really matters!!

On Wednesday I took Kade in for his pre-K screening.  I still can't believe he is old enough for that already :-(  Even though we've decided to not send him to Kindergarten until he is 6 I figured it would be good to get this first step out of the way.
I decided I should probably comb my hair and try to look a little presentable (and try to not look quite as homeless as I usually do on my days off) for Kade's very first school experience.  There's lots of time for me to embarrass him, but I thought I'd give him a break this 1st time.  Getting ready is no small feat when children are in the home.  I know every age is difficult but I think Mason is at the most difficult stage.  Here's a little run down.  Please note that this was all in the span of 20 minutes.

1.  Change out of pajamas and bedtime diaper and into day clothes.
2.  open every drawer he can reach and proceed to empty all contents while mom is curling her hair.
3.  crawl into wet shower.  Change of clothes #2 for the day
4.  Poop pants, diaper change
5.  Mom, in an attempt to finish curling hair, corrals him into the bathtub with toys.  
6.  Discover the faucet.  Discover how to turn on the faucet.  Change of clothes #3 for the day.

I finally gave up and decided to lock him in my room but out of the bathroom.  But not before he snatched one more key component of my "getting ready tools"…
Can't you just hear the evil, maniacal laugh coming out of him in this picture?!  He was just too proud of himself for me to take my comb away from him.

We finally made it out the door, in time I might add!  I can't say I looked great but I can't say that very often anyway :-)
I couldn't resist a picture of my big boy heading into the school for his first time.  He's already got the "Mom, you are so annoying.  Take my picture quick before anyone sees me" look figured out!

Just a couple more cute pics of the boys.
Very serious, very intimidating hockey player.

Not so intimidating version.  

Mason's "tractor noise" face.  It would be impressive that he can do a motor on command except if you ask him what a cow, or any other animal, says he still responds with the tractor motor noise.  I think he's exceptionally gifted though :-)

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