Wednesday, April 2, 2014

This past weekend Kade and I, along with my parents, made the long trek to Kansas City to help celebrate Vivienne's 2nd birthday!  We had been preparing Kade all week for how long we'd be in the car (about 7 hours) and I'd ask him multiple times a day if he wanted to go or stay home.  Usually when we ask Kade a question with multiple options, we get both options as a response.  This time he answered "KC" every single time!  If he had wavered even once, I probably would've stayed home because I didn't think I could leave Mason for that long.  

About 30 minutes into the ride Kade asked if we were there yet.  He proceeded to ask that about 1.4 million more times.  He did well though and we had a blast, so it was worth the drive.  Mason and Dad had a good bonding weekend too so it worked out well for everyone.

I captured a grin on camera before I left!  That smile made it even harder for me to go!  I think there might be dimples underneath all that cheek!!

The 1st night in KC.  Vivi LOVES her Kade!

Photo updates of Mason from G&G back home.  Working his charm on Grandma!

Grandpa and Kade helping set up for the party.

The Birthday Girl

Snack time!  It was a little chilly in the mornings but got into the 70's by the afternoon.  Made it tough to come back to winter in MN!

Shooting some hoops before the party.  He never made a shot but hit the rim a bunch of times and one shot rolled around the top of the rim!!  Pretty impressive for a 3 1/2 year old!

Party time!  Getting our party clothes on.

The theme was Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Vivi was the cutest little Minney Mouse there!

The bounce house was a hit!

Kade was quite the ladies man too!!
I overheard him tell this girl that he was a "Struction Man".  She must've been impressed because she stuck around him awhile!
I love this picture!  Who knew my little man could put out such an amazing vibe?!  I don't know what they were talking about but he did get her name...Sadie :-)

In the end, he only had eyes for his cousin Viv.

In the meantime, Erik sent me a pic of my other handsome little man...

Kade had a couple pretty funny quotes over the weekend and I think it's pretty clear he's a Daddy's Boy!
Him and I were walking back from the park and I was dribbling the basketball.  
Me:  "Kade, look at me!  I'm dribbling the ball and walking at the same time!  Aren't I a stud??"
Kade: " No Mom, Dad is a stud.  You are a goofball."

We were having ice cream and Jeremy (my brother) was having a hard time scooping it because it was frozen solid.
Kade:  "Jeremy, my dad can scoop ice cream because he has REAL muscles!"

We took this picture when we got home and sent it to Jeremy so he could see what real muscles look like....something for him to aspire to :-)
I don't think he reads the blog, so I'm safe posting this picture :-)  

On the way home Kade informed me that he didn't think he was ready for long car rides :-)  But he sure looks cute doing them!

And I had this little man waiting for me when I got home
I'm a lucky gal!!

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