Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Honeymoon is Almost Over

I'm in my last week of maternity leave.  It's amazing how different my 2 leaves have been!  First off, the weather.  Kade was born in August and I'm pretty sure we went for multiple walks a day, every day, for the entire 12 weeks.  Mason has been on a grand total of 5 walks.  3 of them he was so bundled up, all you could see was his little face sticking out.

It's no secret that Kade was a screamer until he was about 7 months old.  So, I'm not going to lie, I was ready to go back to work.  Mason has his moments but for the most part he's pretty content.  He's the most content in my arms so he's spent quite a bit of time there.  That's all going to change next week and I'm not ready!

My "Mom Guilt" is through the roof because I was so strict with Kade and not quite so much with Mason.  I'm sure that's how most parents are with their 2nd but still.  I am a little worried because Kade has more than made up for his "high maintenance baby ways" by being such an amazing kid.  Does this mean that since Mason is not a high maintenance baby he's going to make up for it when he's 2???  I hope not :-)

I do have to give Kade some credit though.  He was sleeping through the night at 9 weeks.  Mason, not so much.  We're still getting up twice a night with him.  4:14 am on Monday the 5th is going to be rough for me!

Anyway, it is time for me to go back.  Although I get 12 weeks off, it's all unpaid--unless you use PTO and I had a whopping 20 hours saved up.  This means we've had 10 weeks without my paycheck.  I guess I should start contributing again, so I can shop without guilt :-)

Here's some pictures taken awhile ago of the boys with Great Grandpa H.  He's the only grandparent Erik and I have left so it's pretty special we were able to get some pictures with him!

4 generations crammed onto one couch :-)

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