Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Now that we're no longer "waiting and wondering" about Mason's status, I'm hard at work getting bedrooms set up.  Hopefully by next week's post we'll be done and I can post some pictures of the boy's new rooms!

We're just laying low this week and finally enjoying "warm" weather!  We took our first walk outside yesterday!  I pushed Mason in the stroller, Kade rode bike and the neighbors, Michael and Taylor, were pulled by their mom in the wagon.  We were quite the sight, I'm sure!  I have a feeling we'll be wearing our road out this summer with all the walks and various other wheeled options Kade has.  I can't wait!

These are just some random pictures

We call this "The Sleeper Hold".  Put Mason up like this and you're guaranteed lights out in less than 10 seconds!

I just love this picture!  It makes me laugh every time.

Tummy Time!  Kade's got the right idea, the floor is hard!

Poor Molly.  She thought it was rough with just 1 boy in the house.  She's not going to know what hit her when there's another one who'll soon be moving on his own!

Someone got some fancy new shoes!!

"Ghaa" is Grandpa Bill's favorite phrase.  And Erik's.  And Uncle Mike's.  Okay, pretty much every male on Erik's side of the family says it.  A lot.  And the girls like to point it out and make fun of them for it. This is why a shirt was made in honor of it.  Looks like Mason is in on the joke already too :-)

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