Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easter 2014

The Easter Bunny did not come to our house this year.  Don't worry, there were lots of eggs, filled with candy and money, hidden all around the house!  Mom and Dad hid them though, not a big, creepy bunny :-)  I describe "him" like that because that is exactly what Kade thinks of him as.  It scares the living daylights out of Kade to think there is a creature hopping around our house while we are all sleeping.  He thinks the same thing about Santa.  He made sure we checked every lock on the door and that Molly (the dog) would stay awake Christmas Eve to alert us when an old man was entering our house.

Erik and I decided this year to not perpetuate the myth, so Kade could rest easy and get a good night's sleep.  I have a hard enough time keeping up with all the details I've said about Santa!  Kade asks very specific questions and he doesn't forget a thing. So, we never mentioned the Easter Bunny and he never brought it up.  We told him we were hiding the eggs and making a treasure hunt for him with a gift to find at the end.  He was more than okay with that!

Note to self for next year:
1.  Hide the eggs with lights on.  They seemed really well hidden under the cover of darkness.  Kade took one visual sweep around the room in the morning and found most of the eggs.   Then he proceeded to tell me, "Mom, you didn't find very good hiding spots.  You should try harder next time."

2.  Remember how smart Kade is when doing the hiding.  He was looking in shoes, drawers, high and low.  And we definitely didn't get that creative! Next year, it's game on Little Man!

Kade, in the middle, with his daycare buddies.

First clue of the treasure hunt!
The hunt is on!

Mason found one!

The treasure at the end of the hunt!

My handsome boys, dressed for church!

Kade and Dad working hard!

Bathroom break :-)


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