Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Goodbye Work Jeans

Kade still changes his clothes, on average, 10 times a day.  That's not an exaggeration.  I tried to keep count one day but he'd only been awake for 1 hour and I was already up to 4 changes, so I gave up.  I think I've mentioned it before but he dresses for whatever he's doing. 

 Basketball players wear shorts:

Firemen wear gear:

Construction workers wear sweatshirts (the ones building all the new houses on our road do anyway):

Wrestlers wear sweatpants:

These 4 pictures were taken in the span of 30 minutes.  

Anyway, the point of this blog is that we FINALLY convinced Kade to throw away his work jeans!  The hole in the knee was so big you could see half of his leg sticking out.  The other day he got a little carpet burn and we told him it was because of the hole.  We also convinced him that "real construction workers" don't have holes because they would get sore knees.  That, combined with his already sore knee, was enough.  This morning he threw away his old jeans and wore his new "Struction Mans" jeans.  I have to admit, Erik and I were both a little sad to see them go.

The last picture we have of the old jeans (he changed his outfit to match Dad's).

Hello new work jeans!!!!

We are STILL waiting to hear back from the birthdad registry regarding Mason's adoption.  One adoptive couple we talked to said they had to wait 60 days!  We are praying it doesn't take that long for us but we are already at day 44.  Crossing our fingers we get some good news this week!  

He's been tracking movement in the room and following voices like a champ for awhile but just these past couple days we've caught glimpses of the elusive smile!  He saves his biggest grin for the ceiling fan but once in awhile he'll give us a little something.  I have yet to capture it on film.  In the meantime you'll have to enjoy what I have caught on film....some impressive cheeks!

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