Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I have been blessed with an annoying trait that if I hear a song once, I remember it for the rest of my life.  This means that I pretty much know every song that comes on the radio.  And I have to sing along.  I can only assume that riding in the car with me is not awesome.  

However, Kade thinks this is fantastic!  When we're in the car together and I'm singing quietly he gets mad because he can't hear me.  He tells me to turn up the radio and sing louder.  I have mentioned how awesome this kid is, right??

It's starting to become apparent that Kade was blessed with the same trait!  The other day we were rocking out to, "I Want It That Way".  Fortunately for Mason he's a car sleeper (we barely get out of our driveway before he's out).  This means he wasn't subjected to the torture of  1. The Backstreet Boys and  2. Kade and I slaughtering The Backstreet Boys at the top of our lungs.

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