Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Skid Steer Rodeo

That was actually a real thing at the fair this year!  I think it was created especially for Kade.  Unfortunately I was unable to join Erik and Kade for this Main Event because it was on the same night as my volleyball league (by "unfortunately", I mean "thankfully" :-) Just kidding, I would've loved watching Kade while he watched it but Grandpa Bill was more than happy to take my place!

It must've left quite an impression because Kade's been talking about it and we've been watching You Tube clips ever since.  What didn't leave an impression on Kade was the fair rides.  Erik said he ended up throwing ride tickets away because Kade was so bored with them.  I can't blame him though, why would any kid want to ride a 4-wheeler and tractor (that he can't even steer) around in circles when he can do the real thing at home?  Erik said that Kade yelled to him from the ride, as it was still going around, "Dad!  I want to get off and go eat mini doughnuts!"  He's a kid after my own heart :-)

Skid Steer Heaven

I wonder which one had a bigger smile on their face?

Erik fits PERFECTLY in this ride!  This picture makes me laugh every time.


Our hometown festival was a couple weeks ago.  Here are a few pictures from that day.

Kade and the-female-version-of-Kade (aka Violet) doing what they do best!

Maybe one of Kade's best quotes ever: "Hey Uncle Mike, you wanna see something cool?  Look at this fancy hitch!"  He's obsessed with hitches.  So weird.

Going for a ride in Grandpa Ranger's hot rod.

And his lawn mower.

Checking out a caboose that is parked in town.

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