Wednesday, July 24, 2013

We've been going, going, going this summer and loving every minute of it!  Playing all day with friends, staying up late and going to bed completely wiped out but that is what summer is all about.  Although I think we may have created too high of expectations for Kade because every day he wakes up and asks where we're going that day.  Or, before he goes down for his nap, he asks who is coming over when he wakes up.  Today we are spending a lazy day at home, catching up on laundry, sleep, etc. and when I told Kade that plan he started crying. 

Last week we went camping at Jellystone with Tim, Megan, Owen, Ellie and Rylee.  It was HOT but the campground has a great water park so we were set.  Tim and Owen had originally planned on sleeping in a tent but instead decided to join us in the air conditioned camper.  Tim even set up the tent on its own site on Tuesday and didn't go back to it until Thursday when it was time to pack up and go.  So we had 4 adults and 4 kids (1 in a pack n' play) in our 22 ft camper.  It actually worked out pretty well!  Bedtime for the kids was "interesting" but they did manage to fall asleep after several warnings from the parents.  

Of course nobody took any pictures.  Well, I did take a few of the one moment in time when all 4 kids were sitting still.  It was when we put a movie on the iPad, which was on for 10 minutes at the most during our 3 day adventure!  Not a great representation of our trip but they sure looked cute laying there! :-)


Someone got some fancy new shoes!  He's in a size 11 already.

If the white-blonde hair wasn't enough to locate him a mile away, now these shoes should do the trick!

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