Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Erik has been playing softball in the summers for 16 years.  I think he's about ready to hang up his cleats but he just can't seem to do it because Kade LOVES going to the games.  He brings his bat, balls and glove and I pitch to him while the guys play and then he runs the bases after the games.  Every time we drive by a field he screams, "SOFTBALL FIELDS!!"

This year we got him an actual aluminum bat and he hits the balls just like the "real" players do.  He even refers to himself in the 3rd person at the games.  The other week he pooped and he said to me, "This softball player needs his pants changed!"  Yeah, STILL working on potty training :-) 
Last night we got home from the game and he said, "This softball player needs to hit the shower."

These pictures and video are from a random Sunday afternoon.  We went to my parents for dinner and they live just down the road from the fields.  Kade started asking (then begging) to go to the softball field about 32 seconds after we pulled into their driveway.

Just rounded 3rd and heading for home.  That mean old Grandpa is going to try and throw him out!

Dad looks tough to get around but Kade's quick!

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