Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It's 4th of July already and I feel like its only been summer for about 2 weeks!  When Kade was first born everyone with kids would tell us to enjoy it because they grow up fast.  I remember thinking, in my sleep deprived brain, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever."  It couldn't be more true though and I'd love to freeze time because my little man is too quickly becoming a big boy!  It doesn't help that he looks like a 4 year old.  Seriously, everyone who meets him never believes us when we tell them he's only 2.

We've been taking advantage of our limited warm days by heading outside around 7:30 am and heading inside around 8:30 pm.  I think we're on our 5th bottle of sunscream (as Kade calls it)!

Kade and Michael deciding who was going to run through the sprinkler next...


Now whose turn is it?

Kade's again!  That's an interesting way to go through a sprinkler.

Uh oh, looks like the 4 wheeler might've gotten a little water logged!  Good thing Kade likes to fix things!

Kade's hair gets some curls in the summer so I wanted to keep it a little longer.  However, he was in desperate need of a haircut.  For some reason we thought we could do just a little trim ourselves.

It ended up looking like a hack job so we had to bust out the razor.

The end product.  No more curls :-(  but with a smile like that, who cares?!

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