Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Last week, at daycare, some of the kids started talking about being born and coming out of their mom's tummies.  Michelle, Kade's daycare lady, told us that he chimed right in and said, "I came out of Lady A's tummy"!  I am so glad we've had that conversation with Kade since Day 1 so that common topic among his peers was a non-issue for him.  Of course I knew this would come up someday but how is it possible that "someday" is already here?!  He's growing up so fast, he's going to be 3 on Saturday!  How did that happen?!

On Saturday we watched Grandma Holiday (Megan's mom, Sharon) and her friend go up in a hot air balloon.  It was so cool!

The send off crew.

Unrolling the balloon!

Deep breaths boys, we gotta blow this thing up!

And BLOW!!!

It's working.

Maybe, someday, Kade and I can go up :-)

Whoa.  It's big.

No turning back now ladies!

Blowing kisses for safe travels.

And they're off!!!

These are just because I love me some past and present pictures:

Kade, at 7 months, going for an airplane ride on Dad's legs

Kade, one week away from his 3rd birthday, going for an airplane ride on Dad's legs

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