Monday, July 15, 2013

Kade Quote

The universe must've shifted slightly last week because:
1.  Kade told us he was tired.
2.  Kade asked to lay down on the couch.
3.  Kade asked to watch a movie.

None of those things has ever happened before.  Ever.  I even asked him if he was feeling okay.  And not in the joking sense.  I actually felt his forehead.

I turned on Netflix and let him pick out what he wanted to watch.

Kade:  "Guys!  Look at me!  I'm watching a movie!"

Me and Erik:  "We see that!  What movie are you watching?"

Kade:  "I'm watching "Scooby Doo With Hair On It"!!!!!

He was watching "The Lorax".  And 5 minutes later he was outside playing.

My Boys

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