Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Monday's On the Farm

In the summer, Kade's daycare is closed on Monday's.  Thankfully, Grandma H has summers off so Kade gets to spend the day on the farm!  "Coincidentally", Grandpa H has every Monday in the summer off too.

This summer is even more exciting because Kade's cousin, Violet now goes to the same daycare so she gets to spend Monday's on the farm too!

Violet seems to be shaping up to be the female version of Kade.  She wants a basketball in her hand at all times and she whines until she gets outside!  She also doesn't seem to mind a good tractor ride now and then.  They are 2 peas in a pod!  Kade calls her his "Little Lady" and gives her kisses every chance he gets.

How many farmers can you fit on 1 small tractor?

Summertime and the livin's easy!

Chillin with a bowl of ice cream.  Life is good.

Vi was supposed to be sleeping at this time but she has too much fun with her big cousin!  They were both shivering by the end of this marathon bath.


Someone is building a house across the street from us.  Every time the builders leave for the day Kade puts on his "construction" boots and heads over to the site.  He calls himself a "Struction Mans".

It's going to take awhile to move this pile of dirt with that little shovel but it doesn't deter him.  I wonder what the builders think every morning when they come back and see new little piles of dirt everywhere?

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