Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Spring Time in MN

You'd think by the title for this post that I mean green grass, trees budding, and sun shining. No, no and no. It's May 1st and snow is on its way. Lots of it. An accumulation of it. Mother Nature really has something against us this year. Thankfully she gave us a teaser this weekend so we were able to clean out the garage.

Kade and I backed the truck out and have turned our at-the-moment-very-clean-garage into an all purpose room. He's been bouncing from one activity to the next, in about 30 second intervals. Man, this kid is busy! He shoots a basket then yells, "BIKE TIME!". Rides one lap then yells, "4 WHIDDER TIME!". Backs up the "4 whidder" (he hasn't quite mastered the L sound yet), then yells, "TRACTOR TIME!" Scoops up some imaginary horse poop then yells,"BASEBALL TIME!" All the while, I sit on the bench, get tired just watching him, and drink my coffee. Life is good :-)

I even managed to snap a picture of the elusive Kade at rest! He's like a hummingbird, can never sit still for too long. Fear not, he was back up and moving .2 seconds after the photo was taken.

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