Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Kansas City Here We Come

Warning:  LOTS of pictures.

This past weekend we went to Kansas City to visit my brother, Jeremy, his wife, Evelyn and daughter Vivienne (14 months old).  Kade did the best he's ever done in the car!  No crying, no whining and no restlessness (which is incredible because he's literally ALWAYS moving!  At one point, when we were loading up to go, everyone was standing around except Kade--he was jumping in place.)

We left Thursday so we had 3 full days there.  Friday we got to babysit Viv so we just hung around the house.

Saturday we went to the Sprint Center, in the Power & Lights District in KC, where they have "The College Basketball Experience".  It. Was. AWESOME.  I don't know who was more excited, Kade or Erik.  

I always tell Kade he needs to get a full basketball scholarship to KU.  Here's a little glimpse of the future, except Kade will be a bit paler :-)

Amazingly, his vertical was 52 inches!

They had all different height hoops so everyone got to feel tall!

Even me :-)

Even though he'll be a star at KU, he'll always have a soft spot for the Gophers :-)

Practice, practice, practice!

Doesn't hurt to supersize it either!

Afterwards we went out for lunch.  Someone was happy....

Someone was tired...

Then the ladies did some shopping and the boys played while they waited.

Sunday we went to the KC Zoo.  We didn't get a lot of pictures because Kade was beyond tired.  He even fell asleep in Erik's arms!  That hasn't happened since Dec of 2010!!  We only made it through half before we called it a day.

He did manage to stay awake to see the lions (or, as Kade calls them, Lion King).  Which was all he talked about the whole time anyway!  

As we were packing up on Monday morning he did all he could to stop it...

But we had to come home :-( 

It was 85 and sunny everyday and we had to come back to rainy and 58.  Why do we live here again?!?!

We had a great time and Kade loved seeing everyone.  When we got home Erik asked Kade what his favorite part was.  We both assumed it would be the basketball center but his answer was, "Playing with Evelyn and Vivienne and Jeremy and Mojo (their dog)."  This kid melts my heart!

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