Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Kade These Days

I thought I'd use this week's post to do an update on what Kade is like these days.

He's still into basketball but he doesn't wear his basketball shoes every waking moment anymore because we made the mistake of cleaning the bottoms and now they squeak. He's not a fan of the squeak no matter how many times we tell him squeaky basketball shoes are a good thing.

He loves to ride his 4 wheeler, tractors and bicycle. I have to admit, he's already probably a better driver than I am. The kid can drive in reverse like it's nobody's business!

He's been speaking in full sentences, make that paragraphs, for a long time now but everyday he amazes me with his enormous vocabulary. And, maybe it's because I'm his mom, but I think he speaks very clearly for a 2 year old.

He loves every sport he's introduced to. He must have some amazing athletic genes because he seems to be a natural athlete. He catches on quick and sometimes throws a better spiral than his dad!

He's shy. Very shy. As in shy around people he sees multiple times a week! As in hides when he sees strangers and sometimes cries when he sees people he knows! It takes him about 5-10 minutes to warm up, unless we're around a big group then he's content to just observe.

I read somewhere that kids who cried a lot as babies (ahem, Kade!) will grow up to have deeper voices. How they know that, I have know idea. Could be a bunch of bologna but so far Kade is proving the theory correct. His voice is pretty deep for a 2 year old!

He's still in diapers and probably will be for awhile. He's just started to request a new diaper after he pees but has no desire to go in the toilet. I have him in underwear as I type this, hoping he'll like the feel of them and want to start wearing them full time. We'll see.

He's been in a big boy bed since last fall but just this past Saturday got out of it on his own for the first time ever! So far he's only crawled out after he wakes up, which is fine. However, he seems to be waking up earlier and earlier! Today my cute, little alarm clock came in at 6:01.

He prefers milk or water, still not a big fan of juice. No complaints there!

He's still a great eater but he also has a fantastic sweet tooth. We can't tell him he has to eat something or there's no dessert because at the first mention of dessert he immediately pushes his plate away and declares he's done.

He's starting to do longer periods of imaginative play on his own but still prefers our company. Mainly dad's company but mom will do if no one else is available :-)

He's getting big and I'm already wishing he'd stay like this forever. Time really does fly.

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