Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Last Thursday

Last Thursday morning Kade and I went to the grocery store. We discovered they have Kade-size carts and I, foolishly, agreed to let him push one. By the end I was exhausted! Thankfully it was mainly retired folks and parents of other small children in the store so they were more than accommodating to the little blonde kid zipping past them at warp speed!

I gave up caring if he was sneaking extra food in his cart, I just wanted to sit down and catch my breath! I was pleasantly surprised at check out when I saw that all he added to it was 2 organic apples. I can assure you if I were him I would've added a few more things on the opposite end of the food spectrum!

Later we went to Chester Woods and threw rocks in the lake. We also honked at the geese, fished with sticks and splashed in the water. It was a good day!

Kade Quotes:

"Mom, I need this blue basketball because I'm a blue guy because I have blue pants on and because the basketball matches my pants." (He got the basketball because who can resist reasoning like that?!)

His 4-wheeler's battery was dying so it wasn't running properly: " Mom, what is wrong with this sucker?!? You and Daddy just bought this sucker! Why is this sucker not working?!" (Apparently he hears "sucker" a lot? Better than the alternative, I guess!)

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