Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A couple weekends ago we made the trek up to Minnetonka to visit Jay, Jenna and Violet. When we planned this weekend get together, back in February, we figured we'd go to a park, play in the yard, possibly have a bonfire. Mother Nature had a good chuckle at our expense because she provided us with about a foot of snow, canceling any outdoor plans we thought we had! So, instead, we played basketball, watched basketball, went to a gym to play more basketball and snuck in a quick dip in the pool. Violet, who is now crawling like a champ, couldn't get enough of watching The Kade Man play B-ball. She could be his biggest fan!

It was also her first time swimming in a pool. Since Kade is an old pro he showed his little cousin the ropes. After her initial shock she seemed to like it! I think it might be time for these 2 irresistible cuties to talk their G&G H into getting a pool :-)

Some pictures from the weekend. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of Kade playing BB in the gym. He was hanging with some older kids while they played Lightning, loving every minute of it! And, of course, I was behind the camera so everyone got in a picture except me! Oh darn, next time :-)

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