Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Kade and I were home today catching up on laundry and other chores after last week's festivities. He also helped me do some decorating for Christmas. I did a post in July about Kade calling Santa, "the bad guy", but I think he's starting to understand just how awesome Santa really is.

After receiving Louie, our very own Elf On The Shelf, and seeing pictures of Santa with presents in his hands, Kade's putting 2-and-2 together very quickly. I think we need to work a little harder on explaining the true meaning of Christmas though because a couple times he called Santa, "God".

And, quite possibly the quote of the year:
As I'm carrying Kade to a time-out after hitting me he grabbed my pony tail, gave it a yank and said, "Get going horsey!"

If you go back to a post I did in 2010 called, "Thanksgiving Weekend", these are the same two kiddos from one of the pictures in that post!  How is that possible?!
"Warwen" (aka Lauren) was a trooper.  Kade pulled her in every possible direction to play and she obliged with a smile on her face the whole time.  That's stamina!!

"The Great Grandkids" on my mom's side of the family.
And, because I like to age myself...Zach and Lauren were only 3 & 2 years old when they were the "little people" in our wedding.  Lauren was the same age that Kade is now!  Now, they are both MUCH taller than me :-(

A rare picture of the 3 of us together :-)

2 little cuties

Kade-O loves his cousin Vivienne.  She loves Kade's truck.

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