Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Do Work

As I've mentioned before Kade LOVES to "do work", as he puts it. He cries if Daddy doesn't want to do work. He regularly says, "Daddy, lets go do work". Scooping dirt, moving rocks, raking leaves it doesn't matter what he's doing as long as it's outside, with Daddy and a sweat-inducing task, he's happy.

This fall there were lots of leaves to other people's yards. First Erik and Kade went to "Aunt Air-win's" (formerly known as Aunt Erna, actually named Erin) house, then we went to my parent's house and finally finished at Uncle Michael's house. They went not because help was requested (although much appreciated). No, they went because my 2 boys LOVE to do work and would be insulted if someone worked without them!

Here's some pics of our little worker. Since I can't organize pics with my iPad, randomly thrown in there are some pictures of Erik and Kade enjoying their new "toy"!

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