Wednesday, December 5, 2012

This past week all 3 of us battled the stomach flu. Of course, it barely slowed Kade down but it knocked me and Erik out for a whole day! Unfortunately, I missed out on a day of baking Christmas cookies, but luckily I felt good enough to play the next day. We had big plans to spend the day at Owen and Ellie's and an evening meeting Santa and his reindeer!

I'm told Kade made up for my absence at the baking extravaganza. He was a big help by putting a half a bottle of sprinkles on approximately 2 cookies. He was also able to incorporate a Ford tractor and wagon into rolling cookies in powdered sugar! I guess tractors really are multi-functional machines!

Meeting Santa was not quite as successful. We knew it probably wouldn't go so well as Kade regularly tells us, "I'm a shy guy". However, we hoped that after seeing Owen, Ellie and Rylee on Santa's lap he might be a little more open to it. He wasn't. The tears literally shot out of his eyes, like a cartoon, and the screams could be heard a mile away! Of course, the second we left, he got a big smile on his face and informed us numerous times that he saw Santa Claus :-)

Here's some pictures of the fun filled weekend. Completely out of order and caption-less because the Blogger App is worthless! It drives me nuts :-)

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