Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Kade and I are spending the next two days getting ready for Thanksgiving at our house next week.

Vivienne, pictured below (not her real hair :-), is coming and Kade couldn't be more excited!

So, this post is just a couple of recent Kade Quotes. Because, let's face it, what's funnier than things a two year old says? Also, this post has a few pictures of Kade and Michael's recent play date. They're definitely turning into a couple of rough-and-tumble boys!

Grandma: "What do you want for Christmas?"
Kade: "Pancakes."

Kade: "Mom, look at my cool socks! I'm a cool guy."

Kade:  "Mom, you share?"
Me:  "What do you want me to share?"
Kade:  "Daddy."

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