Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today we are hosting some family and Kade is providing a lot of the entertainment. A few people came yesterday and stayed the night so he was pretty wound up with excitement. And when he gets wound up, he gets hot and sweaty. And when he gets sweaty he wants to remove articles of clothing. So last night's entertainment turned a bit risqué! Luckily we convinced him to keep the diaper on! :-)

Now that the holidays are upon us I've been talking to Kade about Christmas. The meaning of it and also about decorating the tree, making cookies and gifts. So far, after asking him what he wants, he's said: pancakes, bacon, flowers and birthday cake. Sounds to me like he just wants breakfast in bed to celebrate Jesus' birthday! Sounds perfect to me!!

Some cute pictures of a future model?? He's a looker! In one of the pics is him wearing the Indian headband they made this year at daycare. They were pretty "flashy" this time! Even his cousin, Vivienne got into the spirit :-)

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