Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

Since Halloween was on a Wednesday this year Kade was supposed to be home with me. However, daycare was having a party and there was a special request for Kade to be there. I obliged and might've spent my day off getting my hair done and shopping :-)

At first Kade didn't want to go but when I told him everyone would be wearing costumes, they were playing Bingo with M&M's and Pin the Nose On the Pumpkin, along with having a dance party, he couldn't get there fast enough! Kid likes to dance!

I wasn't sure if we should take him trick-or-treating because I didn't know if was old enough to "get it". Also, he's pretty shy at first around people. After stopping at both grandparent's (where his grandmas gave him enough candy to equal stopping at ~20 houses) he seemed to understand the concept.

When we got home we went over to Michael's, got our annual costume pics and then headed over to the one house in our neighborhood with its lights on. Lucky for Kade, Michael is not shy (not even a little!) so he did the talking for the both of them :-)

Kade loved Halloween this year and is still talking about the candy and his alligator/crocodile/dinosaur? costume today!
Getting ready to go to the party!

He didn't want to take his costume off for the car ride.

First stop after the party was Erik's parent's house...

However, knocking on the door to say "trick-or-treat" got sidetracked when the Gator saw a Bobcat parked down by the barn.  First things first, people!

After giving the Bobcat a thorough inspection, we finally got him to come up to the house to see Grandma!

We had a little time to kill before our next stop so Kade helped feed the horses, scoop some dirt and checked out the round bales.  Minus his costume because farming is a dirty job!  Although I don't think those shoes were the best option either! 

Onto the next stop...

Good thing it was another grandparent's house because he went right into the house!  Might have to work on that for next year.

I just love this picture of his little tail sticking up in the air :-)

Notice his big grin in both pictures with the grandma's?  That's because they were taken after they hooked him up with the goods :-)

We had a hard time getting these two to stand still for a picture.  I think the sugar high was in full gear by this time!  As you can see in the picture below...
they literally ran to the house to get more candy!

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