Thursday, January 26, 2012

I always love hearing stories about kids doing or saying the darndest (is that a word?) things.  Since Kade is getting older and learning more words, he's starting to get a few stories of his own.

Erik's parents have managed to keep every single one of Erik's and Michael's (Erik's younger brother) toy tractors they had as children.  Erik liked the big ones, that you could push around in a sand box, while Michael enjoyed the miniature versions.  So, when Kade comes to visit he's got a big and little version of every single type of farm implement you can imagine.  Needless to say, Kade LOVES playing at Grandpa and Grandma's house. 

One evening we were getting ready to go home after a day long visit and I told Kade it was time to give kisses because we were going "bye-bye".  He's usually pretty good about helping clean up first then getting his coat on to leave.  On this particular evening he was just kinda cranky.  He didn't want to give kisses, he kept reaching out to me saying, "Ma! Ma!".  I'm not going to lie, I was a little happy that he wanted to make sure his mommy didn't leave without him.  Or so I thought.  When he finally made it into my arms, he gave me a big kiss, waved at me and said, "Bye bye, Ma!" then promptly got down and went back to playing with the tractors!  I guess I should just be happy that he even cared enough to give me a kiss goodbye!!    

Here's some pictures of him playing out in the snow today.  I was working on teaching him how to make snow angels but all he wanted to do was tackle me!

A very slow motion sequence of Kade falling into the snow!!


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