Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas and New Year's Eve

It was a big holiday season for us this year because my brother, Jeremy, got married on New Year's Eve in Kansas City!  So we spent Christmas at home then packed up and headed south for a few days. 

We decided it would be in every one's best interest to leave Kade with Erik's parents.  A 7 hour drive in unpredictable winter weather is no place for a 16 month old.  Although, weather turned out to be a non-issue as it was 65 degrees in KC on the wedding day!  Crazy!!  We also had an ear infection scare the day before we left but it turned out that he had 4 teeth coming in at the same time.  He was in so much pain he couldn't eat or sleep so traveling was definitely out of the question.  Once all of those teeth came through, Kade was in heaven at the farm because he got to ride the tractor and feed the horses twice a day for 4 days.  I wonder if he even knew we were gone?!?

Turns out Santa makes stops at grandparent's houses too!  Check out this cool ball ramp!

The static makes Kade's hair look fantastic!

He liked to help hand out presents.  Although, he would get about 2 feet from the person he was delivering to and then he'd stop and start unwrapping them himself.  What a good helper!

Standing on the boxes and jumping was more exciting than actually opening them.  But at least he enjoyed his gifts!

Kade's getting help from his big cousin, Zach.

We remembered to get a family picture!

Modeling his new Smurf slippers from grandpa and grandma.

Playing farm on his new table.

The bride-to-be, Evelyn, getting her nails done before the big day!

The happy couple at rehearsal.

Me and Jerm at the rehearsal.

Cutting the cake is serious business!!

Mom (Randi), Evelyn and me

Ranger Dave is one lucky guy!!

Happy family!  Even Kade's first cousin, Baby Vivienne, made the picture!  She's coming at the end of March and we are SO excited!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your brother's wedding, and the baby that is coming soon. Exciting. :) And I love your bridesmaid dress. It's always nice when a bride picks good dresses. :) Hope you are having a wonderful New Year! :)
