Thursday, January 12, 2012


I find this so hard to believe but Kade's daycare lady tells us that he's quiet and reserved when he's there.  He usually just sits back and watches the big kids play and she barely hears a peep out of him.  At home he's always screaming at the top of his lungs (in a happy way) and running in circles until he's so dizzy he falls down.  The only time he's quiet is when he's sleeping or chewing food.  The other day we discovered an indoor gym for kids ages Kindergarten and under, called "Pipsqueaks".  I finally got to see "daycare Kade" in action.  It took him a good 10 minutes of observing before he finally opened up and played.  What a fantastic place to burn off winter energy!  We've already been there twice in 5 days!!

We're working on getting down to 1 nap a day, a tough transition!  He fell asleep in the car on the way to the gym.  So, we sat in the parking lot for about 15 minutes while I drank my coffee and listened to music as Kade snored in the backseat.
The Observer.  He stood like this for at least 10 minutes, just watching.  A rare sighting for me, since the day he was born I've never seen this kid sit still for more than 2 minutes!

Welcome to my house!  Just opening the windows for some fresh air.

Shrimp boat captain.

Big boy climbing the stairs to go down a slide!

Still takes awhile to actually get down on his butt.  Guess you gotta figure things out the hard way first!

Finally!  All that work to go down a 2 ft. slide!  He loved it though, and proceeded to go down about 20 more times.

Water break.  All that boating, climbing and sliding makes a kid tired!

Here you go, Mom.  Done with my water, time to play again!

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