Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Little Stinker!

The weather these past 2 days has been so great that Kade and I got to spend some time outdoors.  We still had to bundle up but there was no wind and with the sun shining it actually got a little warm!  Today, as I was getting Kade ready for the great outdoors, I couldn't find one of his mittens.  It was there yesterday, it was there this morning and I swear it was there right before I was getting him bundled.  For the life of me I have no idea where it went.  Kade and I were both walking around the house for a good 15 minutes, looking under beds, in drawers, everywhere and it was nowhere to be found!  Kade would give me a quizzical look, get down on his belly to look under something and then get up, shrug his shoulders and turns his hands up in the air as if to say "I have no idea either!"
So, we ended up going outside with mismatched mittens.  Not a big deal, but frustrating none the less.

Well, imagine my surprise when after we come inside and I barely have his coat off, he's running around the house with a high pitched laugh waving the missing mitten in the air!!  That little stinker had it the whole time, and knew about it, but was purposely hiding it from me!  I'm going to have to brush up on my pranking skills because I've been outwitted by a 16 month old!

Some pictures from our play time at the mall today.
He was quite surprised when the bus started moving.  Didn't take him long to realize it was not scary, it was awesome!

So good at driving already, the little stud only needs one hand.

Apparently he only needs one hand to fly a plane too!  Not sure I would get on if he's in the cockpit though!!

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