Thursday, January 19, 2012

Video Star

One of Kade's favorite things to do is watch videos of himself.  So, almost everyday, Erik or I sit at the computer with Kade on our lap and watch all of the videos that are posted on this blog.  Since I put them on You Tube first, we usually watch them from that site.  He's seen them so many times he repeats what he says on the video and he laughs at the parts that we laugh at.  I never thought I'd say this but I'm actually pretty sick of hearing "Livin' On a Prayer"!  What I love, more than anything, is watching Kade while he watches himself.  Maybe we should get a video of that?

After going through all of the Kade videos, Erik started searching for videos of "fun" stuff.  Fun is in quotes because you'll see in the next picture what these 2 were watching.

Apparently videos of tractors is in high demand because there are tons of them!!

Kade playing with his cousins/buddies, Carter and Paige.

The kids loved the frost covered trees in the morning!  They were pretty spectacular!

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