Thursday, December 22, 2011


We're having a bit of a horse moment right now.  Every time we go down to play in our basement we have to go a few rounds on the "neigh".  Also, whenever we visit Grandpa and Grandma we HAVE to help feed the horses.  Mommy always stays a good 20 feet back from the fence and frets the whole time.  I'm determined to not pass on my fear so I plant a big, fake smile on my face while Kade obliviously helps Grandma or Aunt(s) Erin and Jenna with the "beasts".  Seriously, why do they have to be so big?!

Here's some documentation of the Crazy Cowboy in action.

Come with me "Jen Jen", I'll show you where we keep the horse food.

First, you take the lid off the barrel.

Then, you very scientifically measure the grains.

I like to take my own special cup to the horses as well.  I have to make sure it's good and full because... matter how careful I am I always seem to spill most of it while I'm walking!  I even have my tongue sticking out for extra concentration and I STILL spill it!  Gah!
Luckily, you gals didn't spill your bucket or these horses would starve!

Erin likes to help me pull the hay wagon.  I let her think she's helping anyway.

Does anybody see my mom?  Why is she so far away from the fence??  These "neighs" are awesome!!

Merry Christmas from the Silly Headbands!

Yesterday Kade gave his present to the Giving Tree in the mall.  I couldn't get a very good picture because he was too busy people watching.  We didn't bother the old folks with trying to take a picture of the 3 of us this year.  They were all too busy being entertained by the blond cutie anyway!

He had fun pushing the present through the gate but got a little mad when we wouldn't let him climb on it afterwards. 

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