Thursday, May 26, 2011

What's that you just said?

Yesterday as I was eating supper I was listening to Erik talking to Kade.  He said some things that would be pretty hilarious if they weren't directed at a 9 month old.  It got me thinking of all the things we say these days on a pretty regular basis, with a completely straight face, and I know we're not the only ones.

~Here, smell his butt, does it stink?

~Let's not chew on the table.

~Did you shower today? No.  Did you shower yesterday? (long pause) I can't remember.

~Was there poop in the diaper?  Not really, just a couple Cocoa Puffs.  Damn, I was hoping for more.

~Let's not chew on Molly's bone.

~It's 8:00 already?!?  I need to get to bed!

~NO!  Don't lick the glass!  Yeah, my kid is a glass licker.  Sorry about that. 
(P.S. This was a different parent talking about their kid.  Kade isn't a glass licker...yet)

~There's a piece of grass stuck in his wrist roll and I can't get it out!

~Let's not eat our socks.

~Look!  He's pooping!  CUTE!

Anybody have anymore to add???

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