Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Kade started a new daycare on Monday!  The one he had been going to only had one other kid, a 5 year old girl, who is starting school in the fall so he would've been the only one left.  We figured since he's an only child, an only grandchild on both sides and soon-to-be an only child at daycare he's going to need to learn some socialization skills.  Lucky for us the twins turned 1 in February so their provider had an infant opening!  Lucky for Kade he gets to play with the twins, and lots of other kids closer to his age, on a regular basis now. 

I was a little worried dropping him off on his first day since he didn't know anyone but he went right into Michelle's arms and didn't even look up when we were leaving.  He was too busy with the 3 kids surrounding him with attention and toys.  If he could talk I'm pretty sure he would've said, "Okay, you guys can go now!  I've got kids to play with, new places to explore and you guys are cramping my style."

He's only been there 2 days but he seems to love it so far!  And today, on his day off with boring, old mom, he's napping like a champ :-)

On a completely different topic:  What did babies play with in the "olden days"?  You know, before they invented T.V. remotes?

Kade's gone from a Hillbilly to a Jack-o-Lantern.  I hope another tooth comes in soon, because these days he's looking too much like a vampire!

Okay Mom, where'd you put the remotes?  I know they were here a second ago!

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