Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Post of Pictures

We took a lot of great pictures this week, probably to make up for the fact that we missed a whole week of pictures while in Aruba.  So, this week's post is going to be all pics (I've been told by more than one person that pictures are all they care about anyway...ahem, Megan L.! :-)

We started pulling ourselves up to standing this week.  One guess who he's got that big smile for.  That's right, he's looking at Molly again. 

Apparently we're so confident in our standing abilities that we think we only need one hand.  He fell shortly after this was taken.

Dad looks silly reading the "Funny Faces" book that Uncle Jay and Aunt Jenna gave me for Christmas.

Practicing my Sumo wrestling skills on Fussy, my stuffed puppy.  Fussy doesn't stand a chance!

Fussy is officially pinned!!

We had a play date with MJ on Saturday.  Here's the boys "playing" with their new train.  I say "playing" because their dad's were having more fun running the train than the boys were watching it.  I don't have pictures of the Dad's though because, let's face it, these two are MUCH cuter and more fun to look at :-)
I thought this was a super cute picture when I took it, until I realized Kade was hitting Michael in the face.  Sorry MJ!!

Look at these two big boys!!

Again, sorry MJ!  But isn't that the cutest kissy face you've ever seen?!
Kade showing off his cool toy to Michael.  They both took turns stopping the middle thing from spinning.

The next day we had a play date with Reed and the twins.  Here Carter is teaching Kade how to walk without the walker.

Reed and Carter having a very deep and meaningful conversation.  Probably about turtles, Reed's favorite topic of conversation these days.

For one split second all the kids were in the same place at the same time!

After a weekend of playing, this kid was down for the count! 

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