Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend

Kade was out and about more this weekend than any other time in his life so far!  We started out Saturday morning with a walk around Silver Lake to benefit Cystic Fibrosis.  One of Kade's little buddies, Braeden, has CF so every year his parents raise money for research and a whole bunch of people walk to draw awareness.  The weather was awesome and Kade had so much fun people watching, hanging out with his girlfriend, Ellie, and watching the big kids feed the geese.

Then we headed up to the Cities because Erin (Kade's Godmother/aunt) and I had tickets to see Sugarland!  Erik and Kade came along to hang out with Michael (Kade's uncle) and Sarah (Michael's friend?? girlfriend?? Are you guys official or what?? :-)  It was his first time in the cities and his first sleep over at somewhere other than his grandparent's.  We were a little worried about him getting a good night's sleep because Michael lives in a one room studio condo where the only door is on the bathroom.  I think he was so exhausted from the day's activities (and Dad letting him stay up almost 2 hours past his bedtime) that he slept like a baby :-)

Finally, on Sunday, Erik, Erin, Kade and I went to Como Zoo.  I think he loved the people watching more than the animal watching but, hey, there are a lot of interesting characters in the world!  The animals that got the biggest "Ooooh" out of him were the giraffes, zebras and lions.  Oh, and to make my first Mother's Day all the more special, Kade decided to take the opportunity to say his first word...Da Da.  Thanks Buddy! :-)

Warning: picture overload again!
Uncle Jeremy (Kade's uncle) got a fast one pulled on him by Tim so he ended up pushing Owen and Ellie part of the walk.  Good practice for him!

Kade and Ellie enjoying some snacks after their long walk.

Kade and Owen getting ready to feed the geese.

Ellie is very brave around birds!  Unlike her dad (Tim), who has a phobia of "winged creatures".

Just had to add this picture of the guys "Senior Picture" posing.  Where did Tim learn his modeling skills??

Sugarland :-)  Best. Concert. Ever.

Sugarland again.

Random fan, Matt Nathanson (opening act), me, Erin.  We wanted our picture with him but didn't want to wait in line.  This is the best we could come up with.

Breakfast at the condo.

Heading into the zoo.

Kade discovered he enjoyed this "birds eye" view better than in his stroller.  Dad had some sore arms by the end of our visit!

Who's funnier looking? Mom or the zebras?  Apparently mom because he's laughing at me!
Erin and Kade checking out the polar bears.

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