Thursday, June 2, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Kade took his first road trip last weekend.  My brother and his fiancee, Evelyn, bought a house in Kansas City so we loaded up a trailer and headed south.  We left Friday evening after work so Kade could sleep the whole way.  It was about a 7 hour drive and it got a little long for him in his car seat but he did pretty well.

We hung out, moved stuff in, cleaned, shopped and worked pretty hard at convincing the new home owners that they need to put a pool in their backyard.  It's hot down there!  We left Sunday evening so Kade could sleep again.  It was a short trip and we can't wait to go back for a longer visit!

Yesterday was my birthday.  I was born June 1, 1979 so I'm 29 years old (don't do the math, just trust me on this one).  Kade, Molly and I took a drive to Caribou and they bought me a coffee (okay, I might've loaned them the money but it's the thought that counts!).  Then Erik came home early and we went out for pizza.  Luckily it was an early dinner so there wasn't a lot of other people in the restaurant because Kade hasn't learned the difference between his inside and outside voice yet.  He got a bit loud, but we were entertained!  Can't say the same for the elderly couple behind us though! 

The happy couple.  This picture cracks me up because they both gave the thumbs up at the same time not knowing the other was going to do it.  Aww, they're a match made in nerd heaven :-)

A better picture.  Look at how little Kade was!

Dad and Kade taking a break from moving. 

Bath time in the new house!  Kade was the first to use it.  He loves watching the tub fill up.

I hope he always loves baths as much as he does now!

He might be a race car driver someday because he LOVES steering wheels!

Somebody has discovered Molly's steps to get up to bed.  Molly is no longer safe anywhere in the house.

Big smiles for Mommy on her birthday.  Let's party!

This is what we walk into every morning and after every nap these days.  What a big boy he's becoming!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 29th Birthday Kristi!!! :) I will be 29 in September! ;)

    Sounds like a fun trip to KS! And very brave of you! We've done a 3 hour road trip and that's the longest so far. :)

    Oh, and this is Leah by the way. . . darn blogger won't sign me in.
