Thursday, May 19, 2011

9 Month Stats

Kade had his 9 month appointment today.  So happy it was a shot-free affair!  I think it was the most fun he's ever had at the doctor's office.  He played with the stethoscope and relaxed on the bed while he was given the once over by the doc.  The Dr. spent a little more time listening to Kade's heart, so of course I worried.  He said he couldn't convince himself if he heard a murmur or not so he's going to see Kade at the 12 month and listen again (normally 12 month is just a nurse visit).  He's not concerned because Kade's so healthy and showing no signs for concern but he just wants to make extra sure.

So, here's the stats:
22.4 pounds (80%)--I could've sworn he's at least 50 pounds!  My arms feel that way after holding him 5 minutes.
29.3 inches long (80%)
head is 48.5 cm (>97%)--kid's still got a big head!  :-)

He's now pulling himself up on anything that can hold him and walking along anything that stays still.  When we hold his hands he pretty much runs as fast as his chubby little legs can carry him.  He's a mover!  Got places to go and people to see!  He loves being out and about so we spend a lot of time at stores or anywhere else a lot of people will be so Kade can people watch.  Everywhere we go people comment on how happy he is, how great of a smile he's got and how big and blue his eyes are.

I'll end the post with a more recent video of Kade laughing.  I love laughing videos, they make me laugh.  Not exactly sure why the camera is turned, so you'll have to turn your head to the right to see the video straight.  I'll have to have a talk with my camera man so this won't happen again :-)

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