Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Aruba, Jamaica, Ooh I Wanna Take Ya...

We're back!  The reason I couldn't post last week is because we were in Aruba!!  I didn't want to announce on the Internet that our house was going to be vacant for a week so that's my reason for being vague on my last post.

Anyway, Kade split the week equally with both sets of grandparents.  I'm pretty sure he might've been spoiled rotten because all he wants is to be held now that we're back.  Grandmas, can you think of any reason that might be?? :-)

It was the hardest thing we've ever done, leaving Kade Man for a week!  I feel like he changed so much, he even sounds older!!  We did manage to relax, enjoy ourselves and soak up some sun although our tans are fading fast in this cold, rainy weather. 

Sorry for all the tropical pictures but you'll have to look through them before you get to the Good Stuff (i.e. Kade!)
Day 1 of sun.  Hopefully everyone else on the beach was wearing sunglasses too, or they might've been blinded by our "whiteness".  Hey-it's been a long winter, okay? :-)
View of the sunset from our patio

Does every Midwesterner take a picture like this?  I know, it screams "Tourist", but I'm fine with that.
Another cheesy tourist picture but nothing says paradise like palm trees, white sand and colorful beach chairs!

A couple of Cool Cats.  I'm not going to lie, we make snorkeling look good :-)

This isn't us, just a random couple on the beach.  Just kidding, it's Tim and Megan one of the couples we went with.  Megan is pregnant with #3, I think they should name her "Aruba" :-)

You know when I mentioned that we got tan?  Tan, for me, just means darker freckles. 

Carrie and Jason, the other couple we went with.

Megan and Tim (and Aruba.  Or they could name her Kristi, that's a good name too :-)
This was taken at an outdoor restaurant directly on the beach.  It was fantastic!

 The people watching was amazing!  Us girls were always on the lookout for celebrities.  I think it's safe to say we saw the MOST FAMOUS celebrity of all time.  He's known around the world.  Any guesses??

I think it's safe to say, judging by his swimwear, that Santa has a bit of a naughty side during his off season.
 Now, for the good pics.
Hey Puppy, who do you think you're lookin' at?!?
Kade only has one tooth on top.  It's not even a front one.  So, I call him my "Little Hillbilly".  You can sort of see it hanging down on the right.
Playing with his racetrack from K&S, his birthgrandparents.  That middle thing spins, unless Kade puts his hand on it to stop it, which he does all the time.

1 comment:

  1. What a great time! Okay, and your picture of Santa had me spitting out my soda at my desk! Too funny!

    I think I saw Kade! In person! I was at the alumni basketball tourney on Saturday and saw this adorable little boy (yes, he is pretty darn cute!) with your in-laws, but I didn't see you, so I thought, nah. . . this couldn't be Kade. But now that I see this post, I bet it was. :)

    Hope you being back brings some tropical weather this way. My white body needs the sun! :)
