Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring is here!!

Ahh, spring!  It's officially nice enough to go outside again!  It's been a long winter cooped up inside so Kade, Molly and I took advantage of the sunny day with very little wind.  It was also Kade's first time in the stroller as a "big boy".  That made me a little sad but he looked so darn cute and he loved it!  Like I said before, he's a little nosy so sitting up was perfect for him because he could watch Molly and check out the neighbors at the same time.

The last walk of 2010.  It was 10/29, Kade was a little over 2 months old.

One of the first walks of 2011.  Now he's almost 8 months.  I'm always amazed at how much he changes!

His hat is a little big, but adorable :-)

We're working on our stance.  It tends to be a little wide right now.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

He's on the move!

For Christmas we got Kade a walker.  I thought he'd love it the minute we put him in it.  I even convinced Erik we should open it early so Kade could get a move on moving.  He hated it, until now. 

Kade has never been a baby that sits.  Put him on the floor with his toys and he cries about 30 seconds later.  Lay him on his stomach and encourage him to move, he cries about 5 seconds later.  If you're holding him you have to be standing up, try to sit down and he'll cry about 10 seconds later.  The kid likes to move!  We tell him that he's nosy because he always has to see what's going on.  He's pretty much only content when strapped to our chest, facing out. 

Last Tuesday I had Kade in the walker when Erik got home.  He'd been fussing in it a little but when Dad walked in the door Kade was so ecstatic he unintentionally took his first walker steps over to him.  That's when he realized he could move on his own.  Wednesday I had Kade in the walker and in 10 minutes he had visited every "off limit" area in the house.  First, he went to computer cords and pulled.  Then, he found some papers on the desk and crumpled.  Next, he walked to the hutch and pulled open the drawers.  Finally, he went to the stairs and shook on the gate. 

Now that he realizes what his legs can do he only wants to walk.  His favorite thing to do is to grab your hands, pull himself up and walk.  Every day he becomes more sure of himself and his steps get sturdier.  I'm pretty sure he's going to skip crawling.  His new nickname is "Handful" :-)  I think it's time to baby proof.

Am I not supposed to play with the vacuum?

I love it when someone tall holds me because these fan cords are fun to play with!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My girlfriend

Back in September I did a post about my BFF's.  I introduced you to Ellie and said that she was the first girl to ever kiss me.  Well, I think it's safe to say that she is officially my girlfriend because I went to visit her yesterday and she kissed me about 50 times!

She's only 9 months older than me but for some reason she kept calling me a baby!  I'm not sure I like my girlfriend calling me a baby but she's really cute so I'll let it slide.  She's also really smart because she already knows part of the alphabet! 

As soon as I figure out how to use these legs of mine I'm going to go for a walk with her.  I can't wait to see her again!  I hope she doesn't kiss any other boys in the meantime...    

Hi Ellie!  Long time, no see!

We have the same hair style, which I think is pretty cool.  I wonder if she wants to taste this truck too?

Whoa Ellie!!  Not in front of our moms!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Okay, maybe the most wonderful time of the year is Christmas but this week is 2nd!  The days are longer thanks to daylight's saving, it's 50+ degrees outside, the snow is melting's tournament time!!!  March Madness has officially started!  Usually Erik and I spend this weekend glued to the tv, checking our brackets and trash talking each other.  This year, while we'll definitely have the games on, I'm not sure how much basketball will actually get watched with the Kade Man keeping us busy.  I'll gladly choose watching him over basketball any day though.

On a completely different note, Kade caught his first cold this week :-(  I'm glad we were lucky to avoid any illness for the first 7 months but I wish we could've avoided it longer.  He's still managing to smile even though there's about a gallon of snot flowing out of his nose.

Again, with the randomness of my topics, he had his 2nd flu shot yesterday.  The nurse held his legs, I held his arms and I prepared for the worst.  Here's the crazy part, he didn't even notice!!!  She gave him the shot, he smiled and talked through out the process.  I looked at her and asked if she was done yet, wondering why it was taking so long.  She said she was done and that she swore she gave it to him, there was blood to prove it but he never even winced!!  She said she'd never had that happen before, I asked her again if she gave it to him because he always cries.  We both stared at each other in awe, while Kade laid on the table kicking his legs and laughing at us.  Either she is the most amazing shot giver in the history of shots, Kade has a very high tolerance for pain, or his chubby baby thighs buffered the needle stick pain.  Probably the last option, because his legs definitely wouldn't be considered skinny! :-)

My future's so bright...

One of my favorite things to do, look at myself in the mirror.

Hey good lookin'!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

the post about nothing

I've been "scolded" by  2 different people for not having a new post yesterday!  Sorry!  My only excuse is that the Kade Man usually sleeps a combined total of 2 hours during the day (for me anyway, my daycare lady swears she gets more) but yesterday the little darling gave me about an hour!  Erik tells me we can't complain because he sleeps 10-12 hours straight at night.  One hour, split in 3 uneven increments, does not leave a gal much time to shower, eat, check, and update a know, the necessities :-)

As I sit here, with Kade on my lap, I'm backspacing about every other letter because he seems to think he'd like to add a few words.  Someday he will, but right now his vocabulary consists of laughing at his nerdy parents, interspersed with a few loud screams and grunts.  Needless to say, we don't need his input quite yet :-)

So, I'll top off my post about nothing with a lot of pictures of the Main Attraction.  Luckily he's super cute to make up for this lame post!

I love this picture because his hat is already squishing his cheeks for me!
Nothing better than going for an airplane ride on one of the longest legs ever!
This picture doens't do justice the excitement Kade feels at the height of his airplane ride.
The face of, "I didn't do it."
An attempt at a self portrait.  No names, but somebody moved...
2nd, and last, attempt.  Notice his tongue sticking out just a little?  That's his "concentrating really hard" face.  It produces the most drool.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Week in Review

On Monday Kade had a play date with our neighbor, Michael, for a couple hours.  Judging by the pictures, I have a feeling these two are already planning on keeping all of us on our toes!  I wonder if it's possible to put a gate across our cul-de-sac to keep them contained?  Michael is 2 months older than Kade so he teaches Kade all he knows.  Michael has started army crawling and Kade loves to watch him move!

Heads together, backs to the adults.  Hmm, what could they be planning already?!?
Cool car, Michael!  Wanna race them?

Looks like Dad's firetruck won.  Doesn't Dad know he's supposed to let the kids win now??
 On Wednesday I took Kade to visit Dad, Grandma and my coworkers since we all work at the same place.  Kade seems to have outgrown his stranger anxiety but just to make sure Grandma took him to see each and everyone of her coworkers!  Just kidding, Grandma :-)  There were a lot of ladies that gushed over Kade though and he loved all the attention.  Looks like I might be able to try the mall again!

My shirt says "Lil' Heart Breaker".  Appropriate attire when visiting a whole bunch of ladies who can't get enough of me! :-)
 Today is just a day at home.  Although, we might venture out for a coffee and some paint samples.  Erik needs something to do around the house so why not put him to work painting? :-)  By the looks of Kade's jeans in the above picture, you'd think I put him to work painting too!

Helloooo ladies!  Check out my bulging forearms...why yes, I do work out.

Abs of steel!  I am going to look good at the pool this summer.