Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I was struggling to come up with a topic for this week's post, until tonight when I got Kade ready for bed.  Lady A gave him a basketball hoop for a Christmas gift this year and once in awhile I'll shoot a few hoops on it.  Tonight, Kade was laying on the floor watching me and every time I missed (which was a lot) he would laugh hysterically.  I wasn't saying anything to make him laugh, I was just missing my shot!  Which got me thinking about this video.  I'm not going to lie, it's been cropped, so he didn't make a basket on his first try.  I might've cut out almost 1 minute of video before we got the "money" shot :-)

I've mentioned before how I played sports in high school but I wasn't very good at them.  However, Erik was an amazing high school athlete.  We couldn't have been more opposite if we tried.  Me: bench warmer, Erik: only sat down to get a drink of water and even that was rare!  Me: 5'1" not too intimidating on any playing field, Erik: 6'5" and coordinated (by 9th grade), a coach's dream.  Me: got my name in the paper one time because I scored 6 points and that was only because the girl I subbed in for got moved up to starter because our starter got bit by a dog about an hour before tip off, Erik:  the only time he wasn't in the paper, or on the news for sports highlights, was because there wasn't a game that day. 

Erik is THRILLED he has a son, he cannot wait to get Kade a glove, play catch with the football and teach him how to shoot a basketball.  He was thrilled when he learned Lady A and Kade's birthfather are both really into sports.  And, between you and me, I think he's thrilled Kade has zero of my athletic genes :-)  Don't get me wrong, we will love and support Kade no matter what.  If he doesn't play sports that is okay with both of us but with his genetics and our nurturing I think there's a good chance he'll like them.

This is our tv in the basement.  Why watch movies on it when you can watch a game?!

Kade and Dad, best seats in the house!

Great game, Dad!  Now who's playing??

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kristi! I laughed at this post! And it brought back memories! Oh yes. . . the whole dog biting memory. :) Too funny! I have a feeling your little Kade is going to be quite the athlete, and I look forward to hearing his name in the paper someday. :)
