Wednesday, February 16, 2011

6 month appointment

I feel like every week I say it's a big week but I guess that's expected when babies change so much from day-to-day.  Kade got his first tooth in on Saturday!  It's crazy how fast that happens since on Friday evening there was nothing there and then Saturday morning-VOILA!-a tooth!

We just got back from his 6 month appointment.  4 shots :-(  I'm always amazed at how fast he recovers once we soothe him but he was definitely giving those ladies in the blue uniforms (aka the nurses, aka the evil needle jabbers) the stink eye for the rest of the appointment.  The stats: 20 pounds (80th percentile), 27.5 inches (81st percentile) and his head is still holding steady in the 89th percentile.

It's funny, I started this blog for Lady A and her family because if I were in her position I'd want to know how Kade is doing and what he looks like from week-to-week.  However, I think Erik and I look at this blog more than anybody!  On days that I work I look at the pictures probably a dozen times!  The other day I looked back at the first few posts and the pictures I'd posted.  I can't believe how much Kade has changed!  We took a picture of Kade in his car seat when we got back from his first appointment, he was 3 days old.  I took a picture today right before we left for the appointment.  How is this even the same kid???  By the way, his hair always looks red in pictures...not sure why??  But it's very blonde and I swear I can see it growing longer and thicker by the minute :-)    

3 days old

190 days old

Here's my first tooth!!!  Gotta look closely, it's right above Mom's finger.

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