Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Another laughing video

Videos of Kade laughing seem to be a hit, so here's another!  He does have a great laugh but I am pretty biased so I'm not sure my opinion counts.  Erik can get Kade to laugh much better than I can so I'm behind the camera a lot!  That's probably a good thing though because I tend to look pretty rough on my days off.

Kade has changed so much this week!  He's rolling both ways now, although he's only rolled from stomach-to-back a couple times, but still!  He's sitting up almost completely unassisted for lengths at a time.  We don't leave his side yet because he still tends to lean and tip like a drunken sailor.  He's found his feet and likes nothing better than to pull his socks off and put them in his mouth.  There's signs of his top teeth coming in and he's starting to enjoy standing a little bit.  My baby is growing up :-( 

Uh oh, Michael.  The paparazzi are back.

Hey, you like your feet too?  Do you think our mom's will ever stop taking our picture?

Here, help me down and we'll try to get away from them!

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