Sunday, April 3, 2022

Since Mason started preschool, we've regularly gotten reports for bad behavior.  Impulsiveness, not listening the first 3 times being told what to do, can't sit still, can't control himself.  In turn his grades have always suffered and he's never really liked going to school.  He's been on a behavior chart since Kindergarten, which he isn't much of a fan of.  
We got his tonsils out last summer, hoping that would curb the behavior.  While his sleep has GREATLY improved, his behavior and grades did not.  Now in 2nd grade, we decided it was time to get him tested.  To no one's surprise, he's been diagnosed with ADHD.  We've started him on medication and he is a changed man!  He's meeting his behavior goals regularly, his grades have seen a HUGE improvement and he's loving school! 
A couple weeks ago, he was chosen for Student of the Week!!  And while this may seem like an insignificant accomplishment to most kids, for Mason this is an award we NEVER thought he'd get.  I'm not going to lie, I cried happy tears when his teachers told me!

He tried karate, he wasn't a super big fan.  Didn't mind it but didn't love it.
We never went back.  Whoopsies.

Spring is in the air!!
Oh Mase.


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