Friday, April 15, 2022

I'm SO behind!!  Kade started spring baseball in March, he's had 2 tournaments in Des Moines already and a 3rd one next weekend!  Oh and he's also doing spring basketball!  So he's got his first tournament tomorrow and then 5 more until June.  Oh and we need to sneak some fishing in (if winter ever goes away!) for Mason.  Whew.

Spring baseball was such a cluster.  He had tried out for a team in December.  He thoroughly impressed the coaches and they wanted him, however they didn't get enough kids to make a team.  They still wanted Kade in their program to train, so we were trying to decide what to do.  Then a coach from a different club contacted us and asked if Kade would play for him.  After much debate, we went with that coach.  It's been great and Kade has made many friends and a lot of progress.  
Since all of the baseball planning was happening right in the middle of basketball season, he had it in his head that he wanted to play spring basketball as well.  So, he tried out for and made an AAU team that is practicing at the same time as spring baseball!  Lucky for Kade there actually hasn't been any overlap in practice times.  Unlucky for mom and dad, that means we've been taking Kade to practice 4 nights a week!!
He's loving every minute of it and, although overwhelming, we wouldn't have it any other way.  We love watching him play and doing what he loves.  I think we knew from the time he could walk that he'd be an athletic kid, so it's been fun to watch him grow and excel!

I think fishing will always be Mason's #1 passion but he's definitely showing more interest in baseball!
He even asked Kade to pitch to him...although we made him tone it down for his brother.

I've always said Mason's going to own a Chop Shop one's my little car man in training 😆

This picture popped up in my memories on my phone.
I couldn't resist a recreation 8 years later.


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