Saturday, April 23, 2022

Kade had his first baseball tournament the first weekend in April!  Mason and I didn't go but it sounds like we missed a good one!  They tied for first but ended up bring home second based on number of runs scored, or gave up, or whatever.  Either way, 2nd place!  

This is quite possibly the oldest looking 11 year old I've ever seen!

Mason's grade put on a program for the school.  It was cowboy themed.  He had his outfit planned for weeks.  Thankfully Grandpa C was able to hook him up with a cowboy hat and chaps.  They're his hunting chaps, so never mind the mud and dried blood 😉.  And Kade had some old riding boots that fit Mason perfectly!
He wanted me to take a bunch of pictures while he posed.  These were my favorites.

My favorite cowboy in action!
He took this job VERY seriously.  I've A TON of people tell me how amazing he did.  I'm not going to lie, it brought tears to my eyes how great he did.  I was a little concerned that someone thought it was a good idea for Mason to hold a spear like object on stage but he proved me wrong!  That's his favorite thing to do these days....prove us wrong!


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